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MiceManager release 24.12.0 is out!

In addition to the creation of Infenx.IO, we are proud to announce the MiceManager release 24.12.0 for the new year !
What’s new?
Genetic Processor Refactor
In this MiceManager release, we’ve completely overhauled the genetic processor for greater efficiency and reliability. This has enabled us to refine our Optimal Genetic Cross Solver (proudly named OGCS) to obtain from your available mice the optimal crosses to achieve the genetics of your dreams. Our algorithm is multi-threaded (use all available CPU) allowing solving in few seconds ! (rated at >4.500.000 simulated cross in less than two minutes using mid-range 8 core @ 3.6Ghz CPU)

This enhancement to the genetic processor has also significantly improved the analysis and scrolling of the mouse list, since genetic data is now calculated and cached at lightning speed.
User Experience
We also fix many little UI / UX glitches that was very annoying.
What is the next MiceManager version?
Electronic Cage Label
We are still working hard on our Electronic Cage Label and we are being assessing new BLE SoC from Silabs. Since power management remains a blockage point in animal facility, we are considering hybrid solution using multiple power sources and node types.
We hope to tell you more next time !
Tasks and job organization
Our next software milestone is and remains the tasks for operators. We are currently considering the good way to replace current Note-Task way to attribute jobs to users. Indeed, this solution is not convenient to get an overview and to schedule properly the work for operators that mix routine, experimental and extra job to do.
Feel free to suggest or send to use the way you do !
GJ from InfenX