In this tutorial, we will explain a fundamental function: how to crossbreed animals on MiceManager.

Prerequisite :

  • Add Founder Animals
  • Optional : Create a genotyping
  • Optional : Add genetic Background
  • Optional : Add Sector

Go to the Mice page by clicking Menu/Mice to access your animal list.

Start a crossbreed by clicking on the “Cross” button ; this open you a dialog form prompting for the cross information. Minimal information are : 1+ male and 1+ female.

Prior to continue, we encourage you to create a genotyping session if none is active (a banner will inform you about that).

After selection of at least 1 male and 1 female ; the genetic cross combination are proposed in a container below the parent selectors. Each cross recapitulate the parents involved in it with their genetics and backgrounds

According to best practice you can :

  • Crossbreed 1 male with 1 female : the lineage is guaranteed
  • Crossbreed 1 male with N genetically different females : after plug and female separation, the lineage is guaranteed
  • Crossbreed 1 male with N genetically identical females : the lineage is not guaranteed but you can consider the female pool has an unique origin

Do not :

  • Crossbreed with multiple males to avoid fight and injuries
  • Crossbreed with multiple genetic combinations, except if you can decipher the origin using genotyping

We can also provide you general recommendation to simplify, speed up and reduce animal use:

You want very few animals of the given genetic (pilote experiments) :

  1. Ask around if another team may have the target genetic or useful breeders
  2. favour parents with a maximum of the target alleles in order to reduce the successive crosses. This will reduce generation time, the undesired animals (that will be probably culled) BUT will probably require complex genotyping PCRs

You want to establish permanent cross to yield a lot of animals (projects) :

  1. Ask around if another team may have the target genetic or useful breeders
  2. Favour parents with homozygous alleles. This will drastically reduce undesired animals and genotyping PCRs BUT may required several intermediate crosses to produce the breeders themself.

We are providing a solver to get optimal breeding scheme and crossbreed animals on MiceManager ! See how.

You can now fill the litter details by overriding the background, providing mating or birth dates and information about pups identification.

We recommend you to set a sector and a project for the litter in order to easily find and track out the used animals in you stats.

After clicking “Validate”, you cross, litter and pups are recorder on MiceManager and await for genotyping (highlighted in blue)

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