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In this tutorial, we will explain you how to add an allele on MiceManager.
Prerequisite :
- Add a Locus
- Optional : Add a phenotype
- Optional : Add a primer
- Optional : Add a Facility
Go to the Allele page by clicking Menu/Alleles to access your allele list.
Start to create a new allele by clicking on the “+” button ; this open you a dialog form prompting for the allele information. Minimal information are : the locus of the allele (Locus) and the code to represent it.
The code should be short, with no space or special character : it will be the allele representation on MiceManager. Use “Name” input to indicate the plain and valid allele name.
For exemple, you want to add the allele : Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP)Luo/J
Code : mTmG
Name : Gt(ROSA)26Sor tm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP)Luo/J
Since chromosome is informed by the locus ; you can also optionally enter the forward allele coordinate. This will be use later for recombination estimation (not implemented yet).
You can also indicate the allele origin in order to distinguish the same allele that originate from different facility (so not the same)
After clicking “Validate”, your allele is registered on MiceManager.
To enhance phenotype tracking and genetic processing, you should associate your allele with phenotypes: Double click on the phenotypes cell and pick one or several phenotypes associated with the allele. Validate using Ctrl + Enter keys
Some phenotypes are useful for users (eg. a fluorescence) but also for genetic processing (eg. a KO that is homozygous lethal)
Finally, associating the allele with a primer will be useful later for genotyping reactions processing (not implemented yet)
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