About Us

About Us

Founded in 2020 by Guillaume Jacquemin, InfenX specializes in tools for the life sciences, with a particular but not exclusive focus on refining animal experimentation.

InfenX.IO is our website focused on our softwares and related hardware devices.

Softwares in production
Tools in development
Recurring users

In order to speed up our development time and maintenance quality, we developed our own full-stack TS framework embedding task related processors. So, we can also, on demand, develop for custom needs micro-services or micro-applications using and/or enriching this framework.

Dummy Code Banner
We really want to help research streamline and optimize processes. In our experience, life science research is costly in terms of both money and ethics; if we can help reduce this cost by only 1%, it will be huge for us.
Guillaume Jacquemin

Our Mission

Our mission is to produce useful tools to meet everyone's needs. How do we do this? Through a deep understanding of the context in order to refine processes rather than trying to implement everyone else's. We are counting on you to ask us for help! Every need is a step towards refinement!

Our Vision

A large community of users is always better and more stimulating than a small niche one. That's why we will never fit everyone needs, but rather seek to convince and help you to use our solutions so that you can work together.